Shobiz-People behind the Superdrive

on Monday, June 7, 2010

As we are proceeding into Day 6 of our 26 Day multi city tour, we're thankful to following people from Shobiz Entertainment, who've made this possible.

Below: Pravin Mahajan, Tejpal Singh Patpatia (Executive VP & COO) and Sameer Tobaccowala, CEO, Shobiz entertainment

From TataNanoSuperdrive

Ravi, Pravin and team
From TataNanoSuperdrive

Shiva Selvam, Manager, Events, Bangalore Branch. Shiva leads the convoy on the ground, while Ravi's team takes care of events in each cities
From TataNanoSuperdrive
Ravi (right) and his colleague
From TataNanoSuperdrive

From TataNanoSuperdrive
Shobiz team is having a very critical role in ensuring Superdrive's success. They've been going a great job so far.

More about Shobiz at


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